My random musings on photography, beautiful things and the joys of living in Pittsburgh.


Day One - Travel and Paris

August 15, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

I'm going to try and update daily to chronical our trip to France.  A lot will depend on the itineraries, how many photos I end up taking and needing to sort through, and the ever questionable internet access.  At least for today though, I can start off with the best of intentions.

We took off on a direct flight from Pittsburgh to Paris last night (August 14).  I'm happy to report that our flight was totally uneventful, if a little late leaving (but right on time arrival).  Unfortunately, ours must have been the last international flight arriving in Paris this morning and our wait to clear passport control was well over an hour. But, our luggage was waiting for us, we breezed through customs (I don't even think the folks there looked at us!) and we got a cab into the city. Today is a holiday in France, so traffic was very light (for Paris) and we were in the city in no time.

After checking into our hotel we set off to re-familiarize ourselves with a city that was almost a second home to us when we lived in Belgium; we must have visited there 13-14 times in two years and have always felt so comfortable with everything here.

First stop, lunch at a great little bistro we've been to several times before and had a wonderful meal, and the best bread we've tasted in 10 years!  No one bakes better bread than the French - it just melts in your mouth.

Revitalized, we picked out a route in a fabulous little tour book we have:  Paris Walks.  We love to do walking tours and the maps and explanations of the route are some of the best we've ever used.  We had an older version when we lived here, and picked up the newest version before this trip.

To be honest, we didn't finish this one today - after 2-3 hours of walking around we had it - it had been a long couple of days - and headed back to the room for a rest.  I'm putting this together now, but we'll probably be going back out in another hour or two for dinner and to enjoy Paris after dark.  I may just need to take both my camera AND tripod for that!


A few photos from today are below.  All of the edited photos can be found in the "Our Travels - Paris" section of my web site















Above: Jardin Tuileries. This is a big, beautiful green space in the middle of Paris.  Fountains, gardens, green expanses, meticulously sculpted trees and hedges dot the landscape.  It's a favorite of both Parisians and visitors. Today, they had a large festival going on with bands, a carnival and many other activities.



One of the fun thing for kids to do is "sail" boats in the large fountains in the park.  I don't know if this little boy, left, is from Pittsburgh or not, but his boat was flying the Jolly Roger!!



Below, standing on the quai watching the boats pass by the Musee d'Orsay





While we're waiting . . .

August 13, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

Thought I'd share some of the photos from this past 4th of July fireworks display in New York.  This was our second time taking the Circle Line dinner/fireworks cruise and it was another hit!  Watching the show from the middle of the East River is infinitely preferable to standing for hours on the FDR with no bathrooms!  Below is a shot of our vantage point - somewhere just below 30th street or so.


The fireworks are shot from five barges in the middle of the river and make for an amazing display.  Over 3 million people gather on the banks of the river - about 2 million on the Manhattan side, the rest in Brooklyn to watch the displays.


You can see all the photos from our most recent trip to NYC, including our visits to the Bronx Botanical Garden, Brooklyn Museum and just great New York scenery under the "Our Travels: I Love New York" section of my web site.

Blog Re-Boot

March 03, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

Rebooting my blog after being in absentia for quite a while.  No better way to do that than with an all-time favorite story from our move to Belgium many years ago.  We lost Midnight several years ago, but her spirit is still with us in many ways.  This story truly captures that spirit!

The Adventure of Midnight the Wonder Cat

or: Moving our cat from the US to Belgium

In the summer of 2006, we were preparing for our move to Belgium. Who would have thought that most traumatic event of the move would center on our loyal feline, Midnight.

We arranged a direct flight from Dulles to Brussels in business class and were taking her into the cabin with us as one of my “carry on” allowances (remember this little factual nugget for later in the story), which was far superior to her being shipped in the cargo hold (a little extreme for an 8-pound cat I think!).  Instead of a connecting flight in a commuter jet from Pittsburgh to Washington, we were driving the first leg of our journey. 

Early on a Saturday morning we all hop in an over-stuffed rental car and head for Washington, DC.  After two days of being moved around from room to room in the house because of the  movers and packer, then being stuffed into a small carrier, taken to a strange hotel for two more days, then stuffed back into a carrier, followed by a four-hour car ride, poor Midnight was terribly confused.  Despite all, she was still hanging in there with us, sitting on my lap purring away. Little did she, or we, know the hurdles we’d be jumping over during the trip!

Hurdle #1 – check in

We arrive at Dulles:  Dale drops me and all of our stuff at the curbside check-in and goes to the car rental return station. I get to loiter around in the ticketing area, looking like a homeless person with the 7 pieces of luggage and the cat, waiting for him to join me so we can check in for the flight,

We check in at the United counter, the agent checks our paperwork, and checks all of Midnight’s paperwork (clearance from the Belgian Veterinary Commission plus, of all things, a pet visa!), collects our $60 pet-on-board fee, prints our boarding passes and confirms our seat assignments, and we head off to security.  Please remember the seat assignment part, particularly since the cat carrier must go under the seat in front of us on the plane.

Hurdle #2 - Security

Obviously the pet carrier must go through the x-ray machine, however, the live animal cannot.  So here’s the sequence picture in one long, run-on sentence:

I remove my laptop from my rolling carry-on case and from the protective sleeve and place it in a separate bin for scanning, put my carry-on bag, my purse, shoes, belt, jacket in another bin for scanning, take Midnight out of her carriers and walk through the metal detector with her squirming and freaking out, trying to keep her from clawing me to death, retrieve the carrier from the belt, get her back into the carrier (which of course she resists to the death), retrieve my laptop and put it back into its sleeve and the carry-on, put my shoes, belt and jacket back on, reorganize myself, and then run to catch up to Dale who, at this point, is half-way down the Concourse without a blooming care in the world!

It wasn’t a pretty sight.  The experienced business travelers took one look at the unfolding comedy routine being played out and moved to a completely different security line.

Hurdle #3 – the wait

We had three hours to kill before boarding time, so we headed for the United Club.  The nice people there gave me an OK to let Midnight out of her carrier as long as she was leashed, and the club wasn’t too crowded.  I found an out of the way corner for us, near the windows (I thought she might like that), and opened the carrier for her.  She was scared silly and spent most of the time hiding between two chairs, but things couldn’t be that simple.  Midnight managed to discover a way to climb under my chair – between the bottom upholstery cover and the springs.  The only way to remove her was to turn the chair upside down and pry her out; yep, making another incredible impression on business travelers world-wide.  I hope United doesn’t mind that new rip in the chair lining.

Hurdle #4 – settling in

Finally, time to board the plane.  Dale and I are just a bundle of excitement, looking forward to our overseas assignment and new experiences.  Business class boards first, so we get on the plane, head for our seats and discover: WE’VE BEEN ASSIGNED THE BULKHEAD ROW! There is NO seat in front of us for the cat carrier. Can anyone explain WHY the desk agent, after thoroughly examining our carry-on cat’s immigration paperwork and charging us the $60 fee, assigned us the bulkhead rows when we checked in THREE hours previously?

I can’t very well put Midnight in the overhead bin, so we ask the flight attendant if we can switch seats with someone.  She asks the couple in the seats immediately behind us first, and the man refused saying “I paid for these seats and THIS is where I’m sitting”.  Jerk.  A very nice couple four rows back agreed to switch so that problem was solved.  Midnight’s carrier fit very comfortably under the seat in front of us, we settled in and soon we off to the friendly skies of United.

Setting the Stage:

By the time we were airborne, our poor Midnight was totally spaced out.  Her carrier was a soft-sided but sturdy and allowed us to easily check on her, give her a little ear scratch, while still having locking zippers and snaps to keep her secure. Occasionally we’d check on her, bring the carrier onto our laps and what-not to try and comfort her.

Business class is a wonderful way to fly! In addition to actually edible food with real silverware on linen table covers and the all-you-can-drink free booze (YO!), there is plenty of leg room, and the seats recline almost to a prone level.  That makes for some comfortable sleeping on an overnight flight. So, after dinner, and a little TV, we did one final Midnight check before the cabin lights were dimmed and everyone stretched out for a long nap.  Remember this tidbit for later – darkened cabin, night flight, almost everyone sleeping.

Houdini Act

So, Dale and I are peacefully snoozing away, but I suddenly find myself wide awake, startled by a feeling that something is wrong.  I decided to check on Midnight. I raise my seat back, lower my footrest, reach down and pick up her carrier and thought “this seems awfully light” and quickly realize . . .

SHE WAS GONE!!  The carrier top snaps and zipper had been breached!  The damned cat got out of the carrier and was wandering around the cabin somewhere.  Total panic set in.

I immediately started Dale out of his sound sleep. He was baffled.  I was hysterical.

We got the flight attendant and explained what happened.  He was so cool and calm about the whole thing saying “don’t worry, this happens all the time”.  REALLY?  He gave us a couple of penlight flashlights (seriously - that’s ALL they provide?) to begin searching for the cat and understand, this cat is named Midnight for a reason. She’s ALL BLACK.  So now we have two adults, crawling down the aisles of business class on hands and knees, with penlight flashlights . . .

. . . looking for a black cat . . .

. . . in a darkened plane cabin  . . .

. . . 30,000 feet in the air

. . . at night . . .

. . . where people are sleeping.

After what seemed an eternity of unsuccessful searching, I realized that we were only about 90 minutes from landing.  I began to visualize the announcement, in three languages: “Ladies and gentlemen, we have arrived in Brussels, but we can’t open the cabin doors until we find the Harmon’s cat who is hiding somewhere in the cabin”, or a vision of Midnight cowering somewhere in coach and jumping on the lap of some person that hates cats resulting in the individual totally spazing out mid-flight.

Suddenly I heard a man’s voice say “Here she is!”  Lo and behold, there was Midnights, just three rows up from our seats, under the feet of a sleeping woman. Poor thing was scared to death and huddled as far back under the seat as she could be.  I gave the nice gentleman a big hug of thanks, gathered up the kitty and got her back into her carrier. She seemed relieved too.

Oh – the person that found her?  The same jerk-wad that refused to trade seats with us!  Eh – he deserved the hug regardless.

Happy Ending

The remaining trip, including our drive to our new temp living quarters, was completely uneventful. Midnight quickly adjusted to her new home and surroundings and was a very happy cat again!


A couple years later and we are being transferred back the US, and are planning the same flight-drive logistics (in reverse) we used before.  However, we are advised that pets are no longer permitted in business or first class on United flights.  Apparently the new rule was implemented “about two years ago”, which, oddly enough, corresponds to our little episode.  Dale and I decided to call the change “the Midnight rule”!

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